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Process Systems Ltd.
Lot #8 IDC Indstrial Estate,
Harmony Hall, Marabella.
Trinidad. W.I.

Tel: (868) 658-5682
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Isolation Valves

HTK - flanged or buttweld fabricated specialty design metal seated. Tight shut-off and control with metal-to-metal seal triple offset design with inclined conical sealing system solid metal or laminated metal seal operation: manual, electric pneumatic, hydraulic.

MAK - flanged or buttweld casted general purpose design metal seated bi-directional tight shut-off and control with metal-to-metal sealing; triple eccentric sealing system with laminated metal.

QSK - flanged or buttweld large diameter rubber seated design tight shut-off and throttling with resilient seal bi-directional tightness fabricated construction operation: manual, electric, pneumatic, hydraulic body seal or solid metal seal (L2) against a solid disc. Seal fully integrated within the body, protected from flow operation: manual, electric, pneumatic, hydraulic

WAK - wafer/lugged style general purpose metal seated tight shut-off and control wafer design resilient seal: bi-directional tightness.

L1 metal-to-metal sealing: uni-directional shut-off body lengths: ISO K1

Operation: manual, electric, pneumatic, hydraulic.


Throttling Valves

ASK flanged or buttweld step-seated design step seated ASK design for flow control of gas or liquid media economical, steel welded construction operation: manual, electric, pneumatic, hydraulic.

DSK flanged or buttweld swing-through design swing through DSK design for flow control of gas or liquid media economical, steel welded construction operation: manual, electric, pneumatic, hydraulic.

MAK flanged or buttweld tight shut - off design bi-directional tight shut-off and control with metal-to-metal sealing triple eccentric sealing system with laminated metal body seal or solid metal seal (L2) against a solid disc seal fully integrated within the body, protected from flow.

Operation: manual, electric, pneumatic, hydraulic


Non-Return Valves

FCV fast closing turbine trip valve ultra-fast closing non-return valve triple offset design with inclined conical sealing system optimum flow opening characteristics inherent gravity closure, low inertia.

GMZ Compressor Surge Protection Valve.
Power assisted compressor check valve. Resilient seal or laminated metal-to-metal sealing. Triple offset-design with inclined conical sealing system.

MAG high temperature gravity closing design quick closing check valve with internal balance weight in a pressurized external housing laminated metal-to-metal sealing, triple offset design with inclined conical sealing system

RNZ liquid flow dampened check valve non-return valve with controlled, non-slam closure resilient seal or laminated metal-to-metal seal triple offset design with inclined conical sealing system.

RZI large diameter liquid flow dampened check valve non-return valve with multirate adjustable interval damping system resilient seal or laminated metal-to-metal seal-triple offset design with inclined conical sealing system.

SCV turbine trip valve steam extraction line valve, gravity closing chromium steel disc plate, stainless steel seal fully integrated to the valve body.


Combination Valves

AZI large diameter liquid flow pump check, throttling and isolation valve.

3 in 1 combination valve for tight shut-off, control and non-return function in one compact unit resilient seal or laminated metal-to-metal sealing triple offset design with inclined conical sealing system auto-closing minimum pressure loss in open position.

AZI: multi-rate adjustable interval damping system

GBZ liquid flow pump check, throttling, and isolation valve.
3 in 1 combination valve for tight shut-off, control and non-return function in one compact unit resilient seal or laminated metal-to-metal sealing triple offset design with inclined conical sealing system auto-closing minimum pressure loss in open position.

GBZ: multirate adjustable hydraulic damping system, located externally and separated from the media


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